
Thursday, October 27, 2016

Lovely Fall Scripture Graphic

I love to take God's word and surround it with beautiful pieces of nature and beauty using digital art. I thought these fall colors fit nicely around Psalm 94:19. What a treasure we have knowing in the midst of our anxieties, our soul can delight in the comforts God gives.

In the multitude of my anxieties within me,
Your comforts delight my soul.
Psalm 94:19 NKJV

You're welcome to use this artwork for personal use on your blogs or webpages, a link back would be appreciated. Feel free to print out and share with others, or use as home decor.

Thank you for subscribing to my blog ~ for reading, commenting, praying and sharing this with others. I'm in awe of how God has used Little Birdie Blessings over the years and has grown it into something I never anticipated.

It is my heart's desire through this blog and Little Birdie Blessings facebook page, women would be encouraged. From the response I receive, that is indeed happening. It does my heart good!

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Thank you. Have a blessed day dear ones.

The graphics used to make this image are through a premium subscription with The Graphics Fairy. You can find more about it **here**


  1. Lovely Scripture graphic, Abby! I've printed off a page of one of your verses to tuck into cards I send! Thanks for sharing with us!

  2. Glorious, Abby! That is one of my favorite Scripture verses!

  3. Oh I am partial to that verse, those colors, and the yellow roses. May I say that it is very nice when you are posting more, too? ; >

    I am not in the least surprised that God is using His Word to bless for His Word never returns void. Praise His Name!

  4. Dearest Abby, You are so thoughtful and I love seeing you use your gifts and talents as a way to share God's love. It is what we are all called to do. I will definitely use this graphic to create a card to send to my Aunt Dixie in Iowa. I have recently reconnected with her and am doing what I can to encourage her through her trials, since her kids have all but abandoned her. Please pray for her if you would. I'm sure this graphic will bless her. Thank you, Heather

  5. Beautiful, Abby. Such a great reminder during this difficult political climate. Thank you!

  6. Hi Abby, thank you for this sweet graphic and inspiring blog post! I share the image and your blog site with my Christian card makers group!
    Thank you and The Lord bless and Keep you!
    Ginny M

  7. Thank you Abby - today has been a 'good' day, but other times I need to remind myself of this. Thank you for all your encouragement.

  8. Lovely and just the thought I needed tonight. Thanks!

  9. Thank you for this beautiful gift. I love birds, flowers and Scripture, and you put them all together so well.


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