
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

My 3 Second Humility Lesson

There was a season of my life when I was an avid amateur photographer. A local festival was holding a photography contest. My family and friends had convinced me that I had “an eye” for photography, and my photographs were “all that”.  I carefully selected what I’d enter and delivered my photos for the contest. I waited through the week with anticipation, sure that I would be a winner. The day and time finally came when the winners would be announced. I arrived just in time to hear my name being called. I think my head physically swelled, but I can’t confirm it.

By the time I got to the tent, other awards/names were being called. When the opportunity presented itself, I proudly approached the announcer,. . “Excuse me; I think you called my name as I was arriving. Am I a winner?” She told me to look through the awards on a nearby table. My eyes scanned for a certificate with my name. There it was, what I’d anticipated.  My name on such lovely parchment paper with these words across the top: Certificate of Participation.

PROUD: Having inordinate self-esteem; possessing a high or unreasonable conceit of one's own excellence, either of body or mind. A man may be proud of his person, of his talents, of his accomplishments or of his achievements.

HUMBLE: Lowly; modest; meek; submissive; opposed to proud, haughty, arrogant or assuming.

Do you know how long it took me to go from proud to humble? …. about 3 seconds.

I laugh about this story and hope you get a chuckle out of it as well. I did learn a valuable lesson that day. I wanted to win a ribbon so I could boast in my accomplishments and talent. God had other plans to use my photography and it didn’t involve fame or fortune.

He later inspired me to make a dvd photo show from many of my favorites.  I don’t know how a copy ended up in the hands of our local funeral home, but I believe God orchestrated it. This particular funeral home plays the dvd photo show on a regular basis as folks in mourning gather to say goodbye to their loved ones and friends. The familiar and simple photos of God’s creation bring comfort to many.

My identity is not known as the photos play and that’s exactly the way I want it. You see, it’s not about me. I don’t want recognition as I give God the glory on this one. I’m thankful He humbled me and used my photography as a vessel of comfort to reach those who needed it. It’s worth more to me than 100 blue ribbons.

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. James 4:10 NIV

Have a blessed day my friends.

This post is linked with: What Joy is MineStrangers & Pilgrims on Earth


  1. I did chuckle because, in your moment of humility, I remembered one of my own. Not that you need the praise, you are a wonderful photographer and you do have an eye. This pleases me greatly because I recognize God at work in you. He created all this beauty and you have an eye and an appreciation for His work. Artists and photographers help the rest of us see it and respond with awe for an Awesome God.

  2. Your photo's are beautiful, Abby, and blue ribbon value.
    God has blessed you with this talent and it is good to give Him the glory and praise!

  3. This is such a beautiful post, Abby (photographs included). You made me smile. If we are all honest, we've had similar experiences.

    I love it that your photos are used by the funeral home. They are truly beautiful and serve well at such a desperately painful time.

    Blessings to you.

  4. What a beautiful message, Abby. And how lovely that your photos bless and bring comfort to so many others. hugs, Teresa

  5. Proud to humble in 3 seconds, I can relate to that. How fabulous your photos are being used to comfort people by showing them the beauty God created.

  6. I love your post. A great lesson for us all. The Bible says, "Pride goeth before a fall." Maybe that is why we stumble so much. Love your ability to tell us about your moment and it will be a less on for me. Thank you. Hugs.

  7. Ah indeed as Mehrll say, "pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall". I love photography too and love that it can be used to marvel at Gods creation, appreciated your story but never did enter photo comps of any sort. I have a point and shoot camera 😊 My level I think. What blessing to know your photos are blessing these dear elderly folks, and what good idea fir a home to do.
    Shaz in Oz.x

  8. Isn't it wonderful how much more important God's ideas for our talent is then what our own idea for it may be. It must be so good to know that the talents God blessed you with are going out to so many and blessing them at such a low point in their lives and reminding them of their creator!

  9. I chuckled because G-d does have His ways of humbling us for sure. We are nothing, and have nothing apart from Him, and all who follow Him learn it sooner or later.

    May all you do give Him glory (and I see it every time you post here or on FB). He is using your talents to bless many, including me.

  10. This post made me smile. I can relate to the lesson in humility. I have handfuls of those lessons myself. I'm glad the Lord loves us so much and allows these reminders to be more like Jesus. They are painful at the time.
    I am blessed by your gifts and talents. Thanks so much for sharing them for the benefit of many. I pray the Lord continue to bless the works of your hands!
    Love in Christ,


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